Is baby’s breath toxic to cats?

Is baby's breath toxic to cats

Baby’s breath (Gypsophila paniculate) is a fascinating small flower species). Maybe your baby’s breath much and produce it in your garden. At the same time, you have a feline friend at your home. So, it is normal that your cat might go to the baby’s breath flower from curiosity. Sometimes, your cat tries to eat … Read more

Are Air Plants Toxic To Cats?

Are air plants toxic to cats?

Cats are naturally fond of eating or chewing grass and plants. But a huge number of indoor plants are toxic to cats. So, the cat owner who has air plants in the garden is concerned that are air plants toxic to cats? None of the 400 distinct varieties of air plants is toxic to cats. … Read more

Can cats eat banana bread? | Is It Safe

Can cats eat banana bread?

When banana bread is your favourite snack, do you think can cats eat banana bread? As a responsible owner, you might be concerned about what your feline can eat and what can’t? Let’s break it down. Yes, can cats eat banana bread in moderation? Although moderate banana bread is safe for cats, it is not … Read more

Cat with Down syndrome

Cat with down syndrome

Can cats have down syndrome? It is one of the most controversial issues for cat lovers these days. A group of cat parents believe that cats may have Down syndrome. Another group does not believe it.  “The short answer is no! cats can’t have down syndrome, but they may have similar symptoms like down syndrome … Read more



Cow’s milk contains lactose which is naturally intolerable for cats. So, you may find another lactose free milk for your cat where soy and almond milk gets popular as the alternative to cow’s milk for a few decades. On the contrary, soy milk contains many food allergens that would be threatened your cat. Now your … Read more

When do male cats start spraying?

When do male cats start spraying

The most common reason for cat spraying is marking territory or being an adult. Usually, spraying has not been seen in a kitten. It is more likely seen in the adult cat. Especially, male cats want to ensure their availability to the female cat by spraying. But when do male cats start spraying for the … Read more

Anthurium Toxic To Cats

Anthurium toxic to cats

Chewing and eating green herbs and plants is the common habit of all cats but some plants toxic to cats. Anthurium is a beauty-enhancing plant known as a flamingo flower, laceleaf, and tailflower. But is flamingo flower toxic to cats? Yes, it is toxic to your cat.  This guide has talked about why is anthurium … Read more